Bukit Beruang, Melaka
Tuesday - February 26, 2008

Photo copyright by edzahid

Behind the Scene:
Ok, First of all, what is Macro photography? Macro is a kind of close up photography. The classical definition is photography in which mean the image is at least as large as the subject. For example, you take macro photography of a coin. You set the lens for a manual focus and zoom at least 1:1 magnification of the lens then move the camera to and fro until the coin is in focus, then take the picture. After you have the picture, you can place the coin side by side with that photo and you’ll see that the coin is exactly the same size or much smaller as the picture of the coin.

So, before me plowing through forest solely for an insect to be macro, I tried behind my house first. Challenged that force to face is photographer needed to be closed as he can near the target insect without make any movement that can scared insect to fly away.

Canon 400D ( delights you always :D )
Canon 55-250mm f3.5-4.5 IS
Canon Speedlite 430x

Manual focus
Aperature Priority
Aperature : f/16

Ok bug, say Hello to Macro photography world. *oh, that orange bug put her hands up*

Edzahid Photography
Freelance Photographer
B.Eng(Hons) Electronics Majoring Robotic&Automation